Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Question

Why is it that when you take kids to a furniture store they have to jump on every single piece of furniture that the place has? Plus, I've noticed that they become deaf at the same time. I don't understand.

We decided to do some furniture shopping today and ended up in 4 different places before we found what we actually wanted. Every single store we went in, Jimmy acted as if we had taken him to the park. He jumped from couch to couch, jumped on each bed, crawled under every table and ran through every rug display that was hanging up. When we called him to come to us he all of a sudden lost his hearing and couldn't hear us because he wouldn't even look in our direction.

As Eric had someone helping him with the dresser we were looking at he told Taylor and me to go find living room furniture, (couch, loveseat, tables, lamps) so that is exactly what we did. Walking through the displays should have been so easy, you see something you like, sit for a second, push the cushions with your hands, look at the price...not so easy when you have Tater Chip with you. That girl had to sit in every single chair and anytime a sales persons walks over to you and asks that same question every time, "Can I help you find something?" Little Ms. Tay Tay would be the first to speak up and explain exactly what she was looking for...note, I'm smacking myself in the head at this point.

Okay, now it's off to find Eric and Jimmy again. Eric is standing by the dresser we decided to buy waiting for the lady that had been helping us, Jimmy, nowhere to be found. After I take a quick glance around and do not see him, panic starts to set in. I search around the area and call his name, nothing. I go back to Eric and call Jimmy's name one more time when I hear muffled giggling, all of a sudden an armoire doors burst open and out jumps Jimmy. That's it, my head is pounding and I'm so sick of Rooms to Go, I want to go home and get my children out of this place. I told Eric, we'll come back another day and get things we want for the living room...when we have someone to watch the kids.

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