I don't have any recent pictures of my dad. but this will do. I was giving him a kiss before go to my first Homecoming Dance. Dad is spending his birthday in St. Louis on business, so I haven't got to wish him a happy birthday yet, but I will this evening.
My dad means a lot to me because he didn't have to be my dad. The first night I met him I was 4-years-old and he walked in to take my mom on a date. I ran to him and called him daddy right off the bat, which most 22-year-old men would have ran at that second, he never told me he wasn't and allowed me to be his daughter. He let me join in on dates with my mom and before to long we were living with him and he married my mom. At the age of 10 he adopted me and made me his own. He is a great father to me and I know he cares about me as much as his biological children. Thank you Daddy, I will never forget what you did for me. I love you bunches.

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