Poppa and Nani are planning on heading out tomorrow for the sunny state of Florida...I am so excited. This morning I spent getting all of Jimmy's school work ready for the time we spend in KC and hope I did enough to last. I am so ready to see some family and can't wait to head back with them, it has been years since I've travelled with them.
The last trip I took with Poppa, Nani, Mom, Stephi and Nick to South Dakota and I still remember sneaking into the Indian Casino when I was suppose to be watching the kids...hehehe, thank God for fake ID's huh and that I didn't get my butt beat for it. That was a very memorable trip for the fact that the day we got back Angie and I decided to cruise N. Oak and I met the man I am married to now.
So, in a couple weeks the kids and I will be back in KC and ready to see everyone and I hope you are ready for us. I was expecting to see Izabel but she is still holding on to the womb for dear life, so hopefully when she hears we're coming she'll decide I am travelling a long way to see her and loosen the grip a little. Oh and Alisha, I loved all those pictures, but the one of you when you were a kid, that's how I remember you and I had to smile, you were such a cute girl.
Stephi, I know you're excited for the kids, but I think they're more excited to see you. Jimmy can't wait to be back and help with those animals. I can't say the exact date I'll be back, but it will be so soon and we can't wait to see you. PS...you better talk, don't act like you've never met us before.
Mom, love you and can't wait to see you. It's getting so close and I am so excited, I miss you a lot. I'm glad you're feeling better and I can finally talk to you on the phone, I was really missing you all last week, especially when I called and all I got was a whisper. Get all better so the kids and I can give you a big kiss.
I'll see everyone soon.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy Birthday Dad!

I don't have any recent pictures of my dad. but this will do. I was giving him a kiss before go to my first Homecoming Dance. Dad is spending his birthday in St. Louis on business, so I haven't got to wish him a happy birthday yet, but I will this evening.
My dad means a lot to me because he didn't have to be my dad. The first night I met him I was 4-years-old and he walked in to take my mom on a date. I ran to him and called him daddy right off the bat, which most 22-year-old men would have ran at that second, he never told me he wasn't and allowed me to be his daughter. He let me join in on dates with my mom and before to long we were living with him and he married my mom. At the age of 10 he adopted me and made me his own. He is a great father to me and I know he cares about me as much as his biological children. Thank you Daddy, I will never forget what you did for me. I love you bunches.

Friday, January 27, 2006
Taylor's Island
Happy Birthday Nani

Nani, you are a terrific woman and everything I want to be. I have learned so much from you and love you more than I can ever express. I have so many memories of spending the weekends and summers with you, you have been there anytime I needed you or just gave me a listening ear when I needed to talk. I couldn't never have asked for a better grandma and I am so glad that you are mine. I am getting really excited to see you next week! Hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Thursday, January 26, 2006
First CD Recorded

Nick's band Underground has just recorded their first CD. You can go to their website through my favorite links and listen to two of their songs, which are pretty darn good and I am not a big rock fan. Nick laughs at me a lot because I am a big fan of 80's & early 90's rock, which I guess if you didn't grow up in the time you're not crazy about that kind of rock 'n roll.
I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you perform. Taylor tells everyone that her Uncle Nick is famous hahah. One great thing about Nick is that he is so good at the gutair without one day of lessons. He has a great talent to play by ear, my sister Stephanie can do it too. I did not receive this gift, but I have always enjoyed listening to both of them play.
You can purchase Underground's CD for $5.00 from him. If you would like one of their first CDs you can get a hold of mom or let me know and I will get it for you. The more CD's sold gives them the money for more recording time. Just think, when they make it big you can say you had their first CD before they were big rock stars lol.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Nay-Nay!
Today is my families dearest friend Renee's birthday. She has been a big part of our life for almost 5 years now. I met Renee when I worked at Jay's Learning Center and her daughter Jordan was one of my preschool students. Taylor and Jordan became fast best friends and then Renee gave birth to another daughter a few months after Jimmy was born and they are friends as well.
Thank you Renee for all that you have done for me and for being one hell of a friend...you know I love ya. What started off as play days for the girls has formed a strong lasting bond between our families, who would've thought.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many, many more. I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.
Thank you Renee for all that you have done for me and for being one hell of a friend...you know I love ya. What started off as play days for the girls has formed a strong lasting bond between our families, who would've thought.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many, many more. I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
New Photo Albums
I just created photo albums on angelfire.com and have linked them to this webite. I have on for Taylor, Jimmy, Family and Friends. You can go to my favorite links and click on the one you wish to see. I will add photos to the ones I have and you may let me know if you would rather not have your photo displayed or send me a photo that you would like on the site. I actually need a recent photo of a few people: Dustin, Alisha & Greg together, the Renee clan or any you do not see here. I just got a picture of Taylor and Jimmy's friends TJ, Emily and Jon that will be posted shortly for those of you that have heard so much about them and now can put a face with the name. I will create an album for Eric and I as well, so soon you will be able to looked at our beautiful mugs. If anyone has cute photos of the kids please send them and I will put on their sites.
If you are wondering why the kids have just baby pics on, I am trying to go in age order so you can see how they have grown. Their birth stats are also listed on the album.
If you are wondering why the kids have just baby pics on, I am trying to go in age order so you can see how they have grown. Their birth stats are also listed on the album.
To Greg and Alisha
We are still awaiting the arrival of Izabel, who was rearing to go at the beginning of this month, but has decided she wants to hang on a little longer. From all the ultrasound pictures you can tell she is going to be a gorgeous baby girl and we all can't wait for her to get here.
I hated that I couldn't be at the shower, but the pictures were great. I'm glad you got so much and Greg putting the stroller together brought back memories. We had a playpen for Jimmy that we about threw out the door because we couldn't figure it out, I think when we finally figured out how to fold it up he had already grown out of it.
I am so happy for the two of you and know that you will make great parents and raise a wonderful little girl. She definately has a big family that loves babies, I bet the Jack grandparents are so happy to have 3 babies in one year, that's great! I check out your blog daily, hoping I will see a picture of a newborn baby girl with the title "Now Showing Babyzilla" lol.
Good luck to you too and enjoy your time as a couple before baby.
I hated that I couldn't be at the shower, but the pictures were great. I'm glad you got so much and Greg putting the stroller together brought back memories. We had a playpen for Jimmy that we about threw out the door because we couldn't figure it out, I think when we finally figured out how to fold it up he had already grown out of it.
I am so happy for the two of you and know that you will make great parents and raise a wonderful little girl. She definately has a big family that loves babies, I bet the Jack grandparents are so happy to have 3 babies in one year, that's great! I check out your blog daily, hoping I will see a picture of a newborn baby girl with the title "Now Showing Babyzilla" lol.
Good luck to you too and enjoy your time as a couple before baby.
The Beautiful Tater Chip
Jimmy's New Costume

Jimmy came downstairs last night with this Kleenex hanging out of his mouth. Eric and I asked him what he was doing with this in his mouth but we couldn't understand what he was saying, so I pulled it out of his mouth and asked him, "What are you doing?" He looked at us like we were crazy and replied, "I'm Santa Claus." Eric and I laughed so hard we were crying. I let Jimmy know how creative that was and placed the Kleenex back in his mouth and grabbed my camera so I could keep this memory forever. What a kid!

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Little Mechanic

After a bit of a drive, Jimmy decided his Jeep was not running all that well and ran inside to get some tools. He spent some time working on the "engine" and tires and got it running like a charm again. I snapped a couple pictures but liked this one the best, the other one he was using a hand saw lol.

Saturday, January 21, 2006
Say Cheeezzze!

Taylor has always hammed it up for the camera and nothing has changed, except she keeps getting bigger. Last night she pulled out her loose tooth all by herself (this is usually done by Aunt Ste.) She was so proud of herself for doing that and woke up to $5 in her tooth fairy pillow. She was trying to wait until she could have Aunt Ste pull it for her, but that darn tooth had plans of it's own, so there was no way she could wait and Mommy is a big chicken when it comes to pulling teeth, so Tay stepped up to the plate and did it herself. Way to go Chip!

Already Talking to the Ladies

I snapped this picture of Jimmy this morning while he was talking to Nani (my mom) on the phone. Eric and I bought him this hair because Taylor never shares hers with him. He had quite a conversation with mom today about everything under the sun. Last night they spent some time on the webcam. Both the kids enjoy talking to Nani and Grandpa Ky-Ky on the computer and the phone

Our Cat

Gabby (Gabriella DiFalco) is our newest pet, we got her a couple months after moving to Florida. She has made the perfect pet for our family. Eric became very close to her while we were in KC, but after we returned she is back to following me around everywhere. This picture was taken during preschool and she decided she wanted to sit on Jimmy's box. Most the time she falls asleep next to the box during school but wakes up before I can snap a picture of her in her sleeping position, (she sleeps on her back with all fours in the air) it's really cute. Hopefully I will get that shot of her and will post it as soon as it happens.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Another Change in Plans
The kids and I have decided to make our trip to KC earlier than expected. We will be driving back with Poppa and Nani the first part of February. They have been planning a trip to Florida and the kids and I were going to fly out after they left, but now we will join them on the way back and fly home when we feel we have overstayed our welcome lol. Taylor has wanted to stay in the fifth wheel for awhile and now is her chance. We are very excited to see everyone and can't wait to get back.
Eric will be leaving for Philly on the 19th of Feb. and will also venture to Atlantic City with a few of his friends from KC, so I am sure he will enjoy himself and I hope he hits it big. He can't wait to have a real Philly Cheese Steak and says he plans to get one on the first day. It doesn't go with our diet but he says he can't pass that up, I don't blame him on that.
February 15th is a very special day for me and I plan to spend the evening with my dad. He adopted me on that day 18 years ago and I am very greatful for that, I love having him as my dad. We are going to dinner for some seafood and I plan to spend as much time with him as I can as well. Dad has also offered to fly us home when we are ready and I am very thankful that he would do that for us.
I can't wait to see everyone and I am counting down the days. I will see you all soon and Eric can't wait to come back in April. Love you all and we miss you very much!!!
Eric will be leaving for Philly on the 19th of Feb. and will also venture to Atlantic City with a few of his friends from KC, so I am sure he will enjoy himself and I hope he hits it big. He can't wait to have a real Philly Cheese Steak and says he plans to get one on the first day. It doesn't go with our diet but he says he can't pass that up, I don't blame him on that.
February 15th is a very special day for me and I plan to spend the evening with my dad. He adopted me on that day 18 years ago and I am very greatful for that, I love having him as my dad. We are going to dinner for some seafood and I plan to spend as much time with him as I can as well. Dad has also offered to fly us home when we are ready and I am very thankful that he would do that for us.
I can't wait to see everyone and I am counting down the days. I will see you all soon and Eric can't wait to come back in April. Love you all and we miss you very much!!!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Jimmy's Bat
Buzzy the Bumble Bee
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Proposal
I just got a marriage proposal today from someone who was not Eric. As cute as this guy is, I could not refuse and I proudly excepted...sorry Eric. Jimmy did not get on one knee but he had a big smile on his face and looked me in the eyes as he held on to my face and said, "Marry me Mommy!" When I told him of course I would marry him he placed his blanket on my head like a veil. He does the cutest things and looks as though he may give his daddy a run for his money.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Goldilocks Picture
Children Are Wonderful
Last night Eric and I were laying in bed talking (which is where most of our talking takes place since the TV is turned off) about our children. We started discussing the fact that we would really like one more to complete our family when Eric asked me if I thought I would go crazy with a third. I sat there for a moment thinking about his concern and then told him, "No, I would not go crazy."
These are my reasons why:
1. The kids can do things that can really try my patience and I may be upset at them one second, all it take is the smile and "I Love You Mommy" and all the things they have done just melts away.
2. Watching them interact with each other and seeing Taylor love on Jimmy just shows the compassion that Eric and I have instilled in them, makes everything all worthwhile.
3. All the pictures I receive throughout the day from my little artists makes you take a step back and remember to not let the little everyday worries get you down.
4. Watching them learn or figure out something new is the best thing a parent can witness. To see your child so happy through their accomplishments, there is nothing better than that.
So do I think I will have crazy days? I most definately will, but I know at the end of each day there will be three "I love you Mommy's", three gorgeous smiles, many loving moments, more pictures and story than I have room for and tons of accomplishments throughout the day. To me, that is what makes parenthood worthwhile.
These are my reasons why:
1. The kids can do things that can really try my patience and I may be upset at them one second, all it take is the smile and "I Love You Mommy" and all the things they have done just melts away.
2. Watching them interact with each other and seeing Taylor love on Jimmy just shows the compassion that Eric and I have instilled in them, makes everything all worthwhile.
3. All the pictures I receive throughout the day from my little artists makes you take a step back and remember to not let the little everyday worries get you down.
4. Watching them learn or figure out something new is the best thing a parent can witness. To see your child so happy through their accomplishments, there is nothing better than that.
So do I think I will have crazy days? I most definately will, but I know at the end of each day there will be three "I love you Mommy's", three gorgeous smiles, many loving moments, more pictures and story than I have room for and tons of accomplishments throughout the day. To me, that is what makes parenthood worthwhile.
Monday, January 09, 2006
I Reached the Dark Tower
I just finished the last book of "The Dark Tower" series by Stephen King. I was a little said that it ended, it has been apart of my life for the last year. I have been reading Stephen King since 9th grade and started the journey to the Dark Tower by accident. I had finished a book and decided to buy a new one, the only problem I had read all the ones that the store had to offer except for one, "The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger." I decided to buy it even though I had no interest in reading it...I am not into westerns and that is exactly what I thought this would be about. OMG...I could not put down the book and finished it by the second night.
To keep the series going a little longer after I would finish a book I would buy another King book to read in between. When I realized that I have read 14 books in a year I was shocked, I don't think I have ever read that much, but I couldn't wait to get to the next one. Roland, Jake, Susannah, Eddie and Oy seemed to take me on their journey as well...I actually felt like the kid from the movie "The Never Ending Story", which is exactly what this book is.
I would never write about this, except these books are that good. They have everything that people like...mystery, western, love story, murder, magic, friends (ka-tet), sci-fiction and fantasy. I believe King wrote this series (he started at nineteen years old) for everyone, as I think everyone would love it. He finished the last three books after he was hit by a car in June of 1999, he thought it was a wake up call that he might not be able to finish the journey if he didn't do it quickly. Mr. King, I am so glad that you did.
I have five books to go before I am finished with all of the Stephen King books (tears) and do not know what I will do when I am done, since he is talking about retiring. I will probably go back and start over. I have looked for another writer as good as him, but I cannot find one. There is only one book that I have read beginning to end from another author since I have started Stephen King's books, but forgot their name and it still did not compare.
I am actually writing this to tell everyone who reads it, take some time out and read this series, it will be worth your time. Before this I loved his series "The Green Mile," this blows that one out of the water, and I love "The Green Mile." I will never write about a book(s) again, but like I said before, these are just that good.
To keep the series going a little longer after I would finish a book I would buy another King book to read in between. When I realized that I have read 14 books in a year I was shocked, I don't think I have ever read that much, but I couldn't wait to get to the next one. Roland, Jake, Susannah, Eddie and Oy seemed to take me on their journey as well...I actually felt like the kid from the movie "The Never Ending Story", which is exactly what this book is.
I would never write about this, except these books are that good. They have everything that people like...mystery, western, love story, murder, magic, friends (ka-tet), sci-fiction and fantasy. I believe King wrote this series (he started at nineteen years old) for everyone, as I think everyone would love it. He finished the last three books after he was hit by a car in June of 1999, he thought it was a wake up call that he might not be able to finish the journey if he didn't do it quickly. Mr. King, I am so glad that you did.
I have five books to go before I am finished with all of the Stephen King books (tears) and do not know what I will do when I am done, since he is talking about retiring. I will probably go back and start over. I have looked for another writer as good as him, but I cannot find one. There is only one book that I have read beginning to end from another author since I have started Stephen King's books, but forgot their name and it still did not compare.
I am actually writing this to tell everyone who reads it, take some time out and read this series, it will be worth your time. Before this I loved his series "The Green Mile," this blows that one out of the water, and I love "The Green Mile." I will never write about a book(s) again, but like I said before, these are just that good.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Question
Why is it that when you take kids to a furniture store they have to jump on every single piece of furniture that the place has? Plus, I've noticed that they become deaf at the same time. I don't understand.
We decided to do some furniture shopping today and ended up in 4 different places before we found what we actually wanted. Every single store we went in, Jimmy acted as if we had taken him to the park. He jumped from couch to couch, jumped on each bed, crawled under every table and ran through every rug display that was hanging up. When we called him to come to us he all of a sudden lost his hearing and couldn't hear us because he wouldn't even look in our direction.
As Eric had someone helping him with the dresser we were looking at he told Taylor and me to go find living room furniture, (couch, loveseat, tables, lamps) so that is exactly what we did. Walking through the displays should have been so easy, you see something you like, sit for a second, push the cushions with your hands, look at the price...not so easy when you have Tater Chip with you. That girl had to sit in every single chair and anytime a sales persons walks over to you and asks that same question every time, "Can I help you find something?" Little Ms. Tay Tay would be the first to speak up and explain exactly what she was looking for...note, I'm smacking myself in the head at this point.
Okay, now it's off to find Eric and Jimmy again. Eric is standing by the dresser we decided to buy waiting for the lady that had been helping us, Jimmy, nowhere to be found. After I take a quick glance around and do not see him, panic starts to set in. I search around the area and call his name, nothing. I go back to Eric and call Jimmy's name one more time when I hear muffled giggling, all of a sudden an armoire doors burst open and out jumps Jimmy. That's it, my head is pounding and I'm so sick of Rooms to Go, I want to go home and get my children out of this place. I told Eric, we'll come back another day and get things we want for the living room...when we have someone to watch the kids.
We decided to do some furniture shopping today and ended up in 4 different places before we found what we actually wanted. Every single store we went in, Jimmy acted as if we had taken him to the park. He jumped from couch to couch, jumped on each bed, crawled under every table and ran through every rug display that was hanging up. When we called him to come to us he all of a sudden lost his hearing and couldn't hear us because he wouldn't even look in our direction.
As Eric had someone helping him with the dresser we were looking at he told Taylor and me to go find living room furniture, (couch, loveseat, tables, lamps) so that is exactly what we did. Walking through the displays should have been so easy, you see something you like, sit for a second, push the cushions with your hands, look at the price...not so easy when you have Tater Chip with you. That girl had to sit in every single chair and anytime a sales persons walks over to you and asks that same question every time, "Can I help you find something?" Little Ms. Tay Tay would be the first to speak up and explain exactly what she was looking for...note, I'm smacking myself in the head at this point.
Okay, now it's off to find Eric and Jimmy again. Eric is standing by the dresser we decided to buy waiting for the lady that had been helping us, Jimmy, nowhere to be found. After I take a quick glance around and do not see him, panic starts to set in. I search around the area and call his name, nothing. I go back to Eric and call Jimmy's name one more time when I hear muffled giggling, all of a sudden an armoire doors burst open and out jumps Jimmy. That's it, my head is pounding and I'm so sick of Rooms to Go, I want to go home and get my children out of this place. I told Eric, we'll come back another day and get things we want for the living room...when we have someone to watch the kids.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's...29???

On January 7, 1962 Marion and Linda brought a beautiful baby girl into this world who would one day become my mom. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and wish I was there to spend it with you. I am very grateful that God gave me such a wonderful, loving and caring mom like you. You have been there for me every step of my life and have never once turned away even when I tested you to the limits, but I am sure Tammy is glad I put a couple gray hairs on your head...it's kids like me that keep her in business.
Being a young single mother like you were could not have been easy, but all I remember from my childhood is all the love that you provided, you are the best mother out there. I know you fought for me when I was young and finally got me away from the people who hurt me and you. I know why you did the things you did now that I am a parent, protecting your children is the number one priority. You have helped me through this difficult year and never once condemmed me for the actions that were taken, you stood by my side and lended me your support when I needed it. You have been a great mother-in-law to Eric, and he appreciates that as well, as we talked about it the other night. You are a great Nani and are wonderful to my (our) children, you spoil them rotten, just as you did to all of us. You are such a special person, I hope I'm half the mother you are to me. Thank you for all that you have done and will do in the future, you have raise three children that love you with all their hearts.
~Your Favorite Daughter~

Baby Izabel is on Her Way

We are awaiting the arrivial of Izabel. She will be making here debut sometime this month. Her proud parents, Greg and Alisha, are my cousins and Izabel will be their first child. Congrats to both of you. I will be posting more on Izabel when she finally arrives. I hope your baby shower goes off without a hitch (you never know, Izabel may decide she needs to open the presents herself) and you receive everything that you need. Love you all and wish you nothing but the best.

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Just Like Grandpa Ky-Ky

Jimmy spent almost an hour and a half acting like Grandpa Ky-Ky this afternoon. He vacuumed, washed the outside, inside and wheels of his Jeep. He was carrying on a long conversation with Grandpa Ky-Ky like he was right there with him. This had to be one of the cutest things that I have seen him do. Grandpa Ky-Ky would be so proud of how good he cleaned his car, just like he showed him many times. He loves you a lot Kyle and misses you as well.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Taylor's Homeschool Journal
Taylor is posting her homeschool journal for all to read. You can view this if you go into view my profile and click on Taylor's Homeschool Journal. She loves writing in her journal and I will also post any pictures she may draw that may go with her entry for that day. I hope everyone enjoys her posts.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
We're Coming Home!!
We have decided to pospone our trip to KC in January so we can stay longer in February. Eric will be in Philly the middle of that month and the kids and I will make our journey there the beginning of the month. We are planning on staying for a few weeks and can't wait to see everyone.
Poppa and Nani are planning a trip at the end of January, so we want to be here to see them. We are so excited for your trip and can't wait to see you guys and Rocky.
Greg and Alisha, I really wanted to make your baby shower but I promise to come visit you when I get in town, by then I will be able to see Izabel in person. I wish you two the best, you both will make excellent parents, Izabel is very lucky.
We are still waiting on the word from the midwest district manager for United to see if Eric is getting transfered to the Lenexa store, we are crossing our fingers. Florida is a great place, but we all want to be back with our family. Eric is a little sad that he won't be with us this trip but plans to come back the next time we come, probably April or May.
Nick, I am so excited to see you play live and I am so proud of you. I am also happy that you are getting studio time and will be recording a CD soon. I did download my own CD of the songs off your website and I have told you many time Controlled Chaos is an awesome song, I can't wait to hear your new stuff. Love you bunches.
Just one more month and we will be home for awhile. I am planning on staying with my mom and Kyle, so they can spend a lot of time with the kids. I have a feeling Taylor will barely be seen except by Stephi and Brett, but she will have a blast. We'll see everyone soon and love ya all.
Poppa and Nani are planning a trip at the end of January, so we want to be here to see them. We are so excited for your trip and can't wait to see you guys and Rocky.
Greg and Alisha, I really wanted to make your baby shower but I promise to come visit you when I get in town, by then I will be able to see Izabel in person. I wish you two the best, you both will make excellent parents, Izabel is very lucky.
We are still waiting on the word from the midwest district manager for United to see if Eric is getting transfered to the Lenexa store, we are crossing our fingers. Florida is a great place, but we all want to be back with our family. Eric is a little sad that he won't be with us this trip but plans to come back the next time we come, probably April or May.
Nick, I am so excited to see you play live and I am so proud of you. I am also happy that you are getting studio time and will be recording a CD soon. I did download my own CD of the songs off your website and I have told you many time Controlled Chaos is an awesome song, I can't wait to hear your new stuff. Love you bunches.
Just one more month and we will be home for awhile. I am planning on staying with my mom and Kyle, so they can spend a lot of time with the kids. I have a feeling Taylor will barely be seen except by Stephi and Brett, but she will have a blast. We'll see everyone soon and love ya all.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy Birthday Eric!

Happy 33rd birthday Eric & Daddy. We love you and hope you enjoy your special day.
Eric, I never imagined that I would meet and marry someone as wonderful as you. You have been a great husband and a wonderful father to our children. That fact that we have been through so much through the years and have still managed to stay so close and love each other the way we do is next to amazing. I am looking forward to all the years ahead of us and I want you to know I will always be there right by your side.
When I first met you I was just a kid and had no idea I even knew what I wanted, I'm just glad you took me in and showed me what love was all about. Though I didn't know it then, I was meant to be with you. Never did I think I would hit the jackpot on an every weekend cruise of North Oak with Angie (who I have to thank for encouraging me to get on the bike.) All these years later, look at us now, married with children (hahaha.)
I love you so much and can't wait for what's ahead on the big journey of life with you.
I love you baby!

Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year 2006
We stayed home last night and rang in the New Year with Taylor and Jimmy. Taylor was so excited to stay up until midnight and watch the ball drop and Jimmy just couldn't wait to drink "beer" (sparkling grape juice.) They both made it until 12:00 A.M., but Jimmy took one sip of his juice and started crying, "I'm sleepy," so I took him up to bed.
We all went on a picnic this afternoon to one of the many parks in Lakeland and let the kids play all afternoon. We spend a lot of time as a family now that Eric quit his second job and Chip and Jimbob love it. We had a trying last year and we are just hoping for nothing but the best this year. Happy New Year to all of our friends and family, we love you all.
We all went on a picnic this afternoon to one of the many parks in Lakeland and let the kids play all afternoon. We spend a lot of time as a family now that Eric quit his second job and Chip and Jimbob love it. We had a trying last year and we are just hoping for nothing but the best this year. Happy New Year to all of our friends and family, we love you all.
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