Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's Been A Few Days

I am sorry that I haven't had a post for a few days, it has been crazy around here. I spend a majority of the time outside with the kids and of course Tuesdays and Thursdays Tonya doesn't have school so we are always finding things to do.

Everything has been going great, Taylor is finally done with school, but will continue math throughout the summer. Why? When I moved her to 3rd grade math she still has about 80 pages left so I want her to finish so she can start fresh on 4th grade. That girl is a whiz when it comes to arithmetic, I am very proud of her. Jimmy will continue to do his projects and such throughout summer as well, not because I think he should but because he loves doing it. I will not have him working everyday, but maybe 1 or 2 days a week if he chooses.

I am so ready to be home, I miss everyone so much and can't wait to get back. Everytime Jimmy sees an airplane he has to stop and then will reply, "Going to see Nani?" Just the other day while driving he saw a big red Ford truck and he was sure that Poppa and Nani Celli came to see him. I am so sorry for ever taking my kids from Kansas City, that is the biggest mistake in my life. I took them from a family that truely loves them and place them in a new place that has been pure hell for the whole family. I just wish I would have seen her true colors years ago and then I could have kept my babies away from her before anything like this happened.

On a brighter note, I will be home in less than a month and cannot wait. We have so much planned and we all are very excited. While the kids are in Omaha, Eric and I are going to spend some time alone at the new hotel Chateau Avalon. I am going to see my talented baby brother walk across that stage and get his diploma (I am so proud of you Nick!) All we need now is who are we staying with? The bidding starts now....going once....going twice....sold? Love you all and it will be less than a month that I will see you!

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