Monday, December 04, 2006

Weekend in Review

At the start of the weekend Eric was feeling pretty crappy with a sore throat but by Saturday afternoon he was feeling a lot better. We took the kids to Lakeland Mall and ate lunch in the food court before taking the kids to see Santa. Taylor and Jimmy were both excited but Jimmy was beside himself, he ran up to Santa and gave him a huge hug and said "Santa, I have missed you!" We looked in a couple of the store before stopping in JC Penney to do some clothes shopping for Taylor. She found many outfits and walked out of the mall very happy. We were so pooped after shopping that we all came home and had a nap.

I decided to do the rest of my Christmas shopping shopping Sunday and I took Taylor along with me. We decided to try out the new mall in Lakeland which is an outside mall and looks just like your Zona Rosa. I was able to finish most of my Christmas shopping, all I need to buy for are Nick and Stephi, other than that I am done and now Eric finally has presents under the tree. I took Taylor to Stone Cold Creamery for ice cream and we sat outside one of the stores and ate our ice cream and talked, it was a good bonding time for us.

I decided to make an Italian dinner last night which turned out fabulous, Steak Pizaola, Siclian Potatoes and sauteed garlic mushrooms. Taylor has been wanting peppermint bark, so in between dinner I made some bark and she was very happy. Now my Tay Tay is not feeling well and she will be spending the day resting so we can get her all better before the Christmas parade on Thursday. Lakeland has a great parade every December that starts off with a fireworks display and then a big parade, we are all very excited for it.

I wanted to post the picture of the kids sitting on Santa but my scanner is not wanting to do it's job so I will work on it today and see if I can't get it working. Have a wonderful Monday!

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