Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Taylor started feeling much better yesterday where I felt even worse. Eric offered to take the kids to work with him but I opted for them to stay home and they did very good. I rested all day and Tay helped me with Jimmy, she is a great help and tries to be such a little mommy.

Eric was able to pick up the car from the service department yesterday, it turns out it was a spark plug that was causing the problem and now the car is running great again.

I woke up this morning feeling so much better but Eric was feeling like "a truck hit him" as he put it. I actually called in for him so he could stay in bed and hopefully he can sleep it off today. I still have a slight sore throat and I'm still a little congested but I definitely feel so much better. I am planning on doing school with Taylor so our whole Christmas vacation is gone but we will lose some of it so we can get caught up.

Just to let everyone know packages have been shipped through UPS so they should be there within a few day, please let us know when they arrive so we don't worry they got lost.

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