Monday, October 09, 2006

Celebrating A Holiday

Today was a no school day in honor of Columbus Day. Of course, he was our first study in Our American Heritage and Taylor said he was the most interesting so far. I have a huge belief in Columbus Day with him being an Italian and I am very proud of my heritage.

We had a very relaxing day today and enjoyed our day off, but I felt like I was not being productive. I did some laundry but just had that "something is missing" feeling. After having a day all alone yesterday (yes, no kids and no husband) I was actually bored out of my mind and ready to start Monday. Last night I worked on lesson plans and have been working on getting a Halloween party going. I figured my kids should still get to enjoy a party with all their friends even though they aren't in public school.

Speaking of public school, with everything that has been going on in the last couple weeks I am so glad that I chose homeschooling. I would not feel any better with my kids in a lock down; what keeps a shooter from shooting through class room windows? I can't believe someone was so messed up to go after the Amish community as well. I think they need to figure out a way to keep those children in a safe enviroment at all times, I would pay the extra tax for that. Do you really feel safe sending your children off to school everyday not knowing what kid is pissed off at them or a teacher or some sick perverted man is after a room full of little girls or boys and decides to execute them when he's done? I feel totally safe everyday, I know where my kids are and what they are doing, I know who they are hanging out with and who their friend's parents are. I am in control of my children's lives and know everything that is going on in their lives. I am not saying that every parent needs to home school, that is not possible, but at least know what is going on in their lives--EVERYTHING! There are way too many people who don't care about what happens to their kids and I think that needs to be addressed. If you feel it is okay to send your 6 week old infant to a daycare just so you don't have to care for him or her, you should not be a parent. I am not speaking to the one parent households, I am talking about the family that brings in a good income and can live on one salary.

If you find it necessary to work, why not find a job when your spouse is at home so their is always a parent in the home with your child. I look at myself, my cousin, my friends, my mother and grandmother who chose to spend their every waking day with their children and not to let some complete stranger raise their child. Thank you Mom for spending all the time you did with me, making me who I am today. Thank you Alisha and Greg for spending your days raising your gorgeous little girl, she will thank you for that one day. I feel their are too many people out in our world who do not deserve to be a parent, everything in your life comes above your child!

Do you realize that todays children would be so much more respectible if parents took time for them and to teach them values. I want everyone to think about that, it's our future, our children's and grandchildren's future, they deserve everything we had as children and everything we didn't have. Do you know why we grew up poor but didn't realize it, because our mom's were home everyday and did everything she could to make sure we still didn't do without. We as children did not know our parents hardly had a pot to piss in. These days kids need $120 shoes, a cell phone, DVD players and all 20 video game consoles, guess what, you can say NO and they get over it. I learned that, I always thought no matter the price if Taylor wanted it I had to get it and now I have come to discover I created something that is very hard to nip in the bud...tantrums, crying, screaming and name calling. We work on that everyday and she knows that I can't get her everything she asks for and she has done very good with that. Now I walk into a store and I tell both her and Jimmy what I am getting and nothing else, doesn't mean that they don't hint, but there are no hard feelings when they walk out empty handed.

All I am saying, give your kids your time, even if you are tired from a full days work, ask how their day was, what they did and laugh with them. Can you name all your children's favorites, if you can't I am sure they would be happy to tell you. Love your kids the way they love you!

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