Sunday, November 19, 2006

Shopping is On!

I finally did my Christmas shopping last night and got most of it done in one trip. Eric watched the kids as I made my way to Wal-Mart last night when hardly anyone was there, no mad rush except outside where there were tents and long lines of people waiting for the new Nintendo. I feel better now that I finally got my shopping started and was able to find almost everything on Tay's list. Jimmy is another story, I was able to pick up a few of his things but I will have to order the rest from the Internet, they barely had anything that he wanted. I have a good idea what I am getting Eric for Christmas but I will have to wait closer to the day.

My daughter's birthday is in a week and she will now have the best birthday. Our plans are now under wraps but Eric and I have figured the best thing for her birthday and she will love it. I will post pictures the night of her big day for all to see. She will have one of the best birthdays ever, I can guarantee it!

We did buy our turkey yesterday at Sam's and got a great deal on it and I picked up a 3 lb. bag of cranberries. We all love cranberries so 3 lbs. is perfect. The kids and I are going to the store today to pick up the rest of the things we need for our dinner. Eric is spending the day at the Bucc's game with his friend Sid and I hope he is having a great day. He was pretty excited this morning to go and let around 10:00 so he could beat some of the traffic. I tried to get him to wear his Chief's sweatshirt but that was a no-go of course.

I have also decided to redo Jimmy's bedroom in Disney Pixar's Cars. I figured it would look great with his race car bed and it is one of Jimmy's favorite Disney movies ever. He loves Tow Mater (ME TOO!) and watches the movie everyday, sometimes twice and laughs all through it. I can't wait to get started on his room, it will be a lot of fun.

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