Monday, November 13, 2006

Our Weekend

I have to say it has been a long weekend and it all started Friday evening when Teresa and Jen invited me over to chat. This is nothing new, we spend each evening visiting but for some reason the night flew by and when I decided to run downstairs to grab a new pack of cigs and noticed it was 4:30 a.m. Teresa put on my coffee and we sat outside and watched the sun rise. Jen had headed to bed around 1 a.m. and when she woke up to get ready for work and saw us in the same place she left us, she was shocked. I finally got into my own bed at 7 a.m. and Eric asked if I was just coming to bed and when I said yes he didn't believe me. After I told him we just got to talking he laughed. He kept the kids quiet and let me sleep most of Saturday. We went to lunch and did some shopping for me to come home and go back to bed. When I finally woke up we put in a movie and watched Polar Express with the kids. Eric took us to Cracker Barrel for breakfast Sunday and then we spent the rest of the day cleaning and resting. The kids got their rooms picked up, they weren't too bad but did need a good pick-up.

I did talk to Rachel yesterday and everything is going great with her. She is very excited for the new baby and can't wait to start buying things for her bundle of joy. She is a little unsure about actually giving birth and said she is hoping for a C-Section, but I told her she will be fine.

Eric and I have also decided it is time to expand our family too with a third and final child. I am only giving myself until 30, that gives me a year and if it doesn't happen I will be done. I would love to have another baby but I know that I am also happy with what I have so I won't be too disappointed if it doesn't happen. We spent part of the afternoon discussing this issue and decided that now is the best time and for once we are on the same page. So, if all goes well, we will have a Tony or Kiara sometime next year.

We started this morning off with a great breakfast and started school. This is our last week until after Thanksgiving and Taylor is so happy for this week to be over. Jimmy is also doing great in school and is starting to really recognize letters and numbers along with letter sounds. His ability to write letters is great, he mocks me and does them perfect the first time. I have two very bright kids and I am happy that I get to spend everyday with them. I have the best job in the world.

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