Midnight would be celebrating her third birthday this week and I felt that I should honor her with this. Midnight was a wonderful dog and we loved her deeply, she brought a lot of joy to our lives. She picked us to be her family as a small pup and after taking her to the home she came from several times before they said they did not want her anymore, she became ours. Midnight loved the kids and was very protective of the kids and me while Eric was not home, she would not allow anyone in our house except Stephi, Brett & Renee and her family, she did make good friends with one of our neighbors as well.
Two weeks before leaving for Florida, someone came to our home and stole her out of our yard. At first I thought she got out of the fence on her own, but soon found out that our whole town was losing their dogs left and right. We all searched for her but she never turned up until a lady that worked at City Hall let me know that they found the guys that had taken the dogs and she had been sold to a lab. I was crushed when they couldn't tell me where she was and I had no way of finding out where she was, I would have fought to get her back if I could have gotten just a little information.
I miss you Middie everyday and hope you are happy wherever you are. You were the best dog and a great addition to our family and no other will ever take your place. I hope you know how much we cared for you and always will.
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