Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Family Weekend

We have had a very busy weekend but a lot of time with our family. Friday night we took Tay to Outback Steakhouse for the first time since she could enjoy it (last time she went she was two) and she loved it.

Yesterday we did some shopping and let the kids know later that we had a surprise for them. We all spent some time in Kohl's and Eric finally bought himself a pair of shoes and Tay and I got clothes of course. We decided to head to KFC and while eating we teased Taylor that this was the surprise, she got to eat inside a fast food restaurant...she was not too thrilled and thought Eric and I had lost our minds. After dinner we proceded to Chuck E. Cheese so the kids could play and they were surprised and very happy. We got them 170 tokens and let them go wild. I told Eric we will never go again on a weekend evening, the place was totally packed where you could barely move. When the kids had picked out there prizes we headed to Toys R Us where Taylor got a new bike and two new Bratz and Jimmy got Trix from Bob the Builder and a gas pump for his Jeep. We need to run the kids around more often, they went to bed immediately with no fuss at all.

This morning Eric took us out to breakfast at Mimi's Cafe, which was a really good restaurant. Just a heads up, there is one in Zona Rosa and it's worth trying. I am planning on making some baked ziti for dinner to get us ready for the premiere of Sopranos...I AM SO EXCITED!! I ordered HBO Friday so we would be set to go. Well, now you all know (except for mom) why I haven't called, had a lot going on with my hubby and kids. We try to spend most of our time outside when we are home with it being so warm out but today is very hot so I am trying to just stay out an hour at a time.

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