Nani celebrated her birthday Jan. 27th and I didn't have a chance to give her a Happy Birthday post, so better late than never.
You have been such an inspiration to me and such a great friend. I am so glad I have such a great Nani that is not only my grandma but one of my best friends. I know you know how much I care for you and how you have touched my life. I am grateful for all the memories that I have and all the memories that are still to come and I hope you had the best birthday ever.
I love you very much!
Jo Marie
Monday, January 29, 2007
Tonight is Jimmy's first T-Ball practice and Eric and I took him out yesterday to buy his pants, glove, ball and helmet. I have never seen Jimmy so excited and I think yesterday was the first time he realized he wouldn't be playing golf. Golf is the only sport he has really ever been around because Grandpa Ky-Ky would take him to the driving range. I will be sure to take pictures tonigght and post them.
I have only told a couple people about our new plans so now I will report to everyone, we have decided to stay in Jose's house for a little longer and pass on the new house because Eric informed me Saturday that he put a transfer in for the Topeka store, it's not KC but it's a lot closer. The manager of that store is retiring and they actually offered it to Eric but he still had to send in a transfer. Saturday night he brought it up to me in a way of would I be willing? Let me think about that...YEAH! We don't know the time frame because Eric just called and told me that it could be a few months to a year before he actually retires but that is fine with me.We decided today that we would rather not have to worry about not being able to get out of a house when it happens and Jose is letting us stay in his rental until we are ready to leave, no lease, we will also just pay the house payment, so we are not required any outrageous payments, he is actually just giving us the coupon book for the house.
Now I know it may not be soon but I see that Eric is ready to get back as well and I am happy! I can't wait to be close to everyone again and 60 miles is much better than 2,000 miles away. I am not going to get my hopes way up though because too much can happen and he's had offers before that didn't turn out right but I do really hope that it happens.
Check back tonight for Jim's first practice pictures. Love ya all!
I have only told a couple people about our new plans so now I will report to everyone, we have decided to stay in Jose's house for a little longer and pass on the new house because Eric informed me Saturday that he put a transfer in for the Topeka store, it's not KC but it's a lot closer. The manager of that store is retiring and they actually offered it to Eric but he still had to send in a transfer. Saturday night he brought it up to me in a way of would I be willing? Let me think about that...YEAH! We don't know the time frame because Eric just called and told me that it could be a few months to a year before he actually retires but that is fine with me.We decided today that we would rather not have to worry about not being able to get out of a house when it happens and Jose is letting us stay in his rental until we are ready to leave, no lease, we will also just pay the house payment, so we are not required any outrageous payments, he is actually just giving us the coupon book for the house.
Now I know it may not be soon but I see that Eric is ready to get back as well and I am happy! I can't wait to be close to everyone again and 60 miles is much better than 2,000 miles away. I am not going to get my hopes way up though because too much can happen and he's had offers before that didn't turn out right but I do really hope that it happens.
Check back tonight for Jim's first practice pictures. Love ya all!
Friday, January 26, 2007
The House is Underway
Last night Eric informed me that we get to pick out all the flooring and paint for the house...yippee! Of course, this won't be done for a little while but they want it ready to go when they are ready to start. The kids and I are heading to United today to pick up boxes to start the packing. I want to be totally prepared this time around without the pressure of rushing. Jose was nice enough to let us use his house until we get into this one and I appreciate that, we couldn't have found a better deal. The house we were going to get Eric just found to much that he didn't like about it and he informed me this time around he just wasn't going to settle, he wanted to love the house. Having a house that we get to pick what goes inside is great, it will be our own. I guess this is the advantage of getting a house that is not built yet. We are going over this weekend and I will get some pics of the house.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
We will be moving in just a couple weeks now, but our house has changed. We have decided on a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home that is still being built and now will not be ready for another couple months, so we are moving into a home over in Winter Haven for a couple months. Eric's friend is letting us use his "rental" house with no lease or all the BS that comes with rentals and we will be able to leave whenever. I am happy about this and can't wait to get moved. I will miss Teresa and Isaiah, but I will try my hardest to see them as much as I can. Steph will be here at the end of next month and I cannot wait to see the mommy-to-be.
Stephanie and Rachel were so close while they were young and now they are having babies together. I wish both of them the best even though the road will not be an easy one. Children are the best thing that can happen to a person and they will both be blessed with this miracle.
Stephanie and Rachel were so close while they were young and now they are having babies together. I wish both of them the best even though the road will not be an easy one. Children are the best thing that can happen to a person and they will both be blessed with this miracle.
Happy Birthday, Renee
You have been one of my best friends and have been there for me through a lot, happy and sad times. I am proud to have a friend like you and I hope your day is filled with so much happiness.
Love ya!
As everyone knows, Renee, has been one of my great friends for several years and I feel that we have endured a lot throughout our relationship. We met through Jay's when I was working and her daughter was one of my children and our friendship came from just me getting a breather from a hard day and her picking up her child. All we had ever said to each other before that day was "hi" and "bye", but that day was different, we stood and talked to each other for a very long time. Now, look at us 6 years later, we are closer now than ever and we just get closer every year. Have a great day, Nay-Nay!
You have been one of my best friends and have been there for me through a lot, happy and sad times. I am proud to have a friend like you and I hope your day is filled with so much happiness.
Love ya!
As everyone knows, Renee, has been one of my great friends for several years and I feel that we have endured a lot throughout our relationship. We met through Jay's when I was working and her daughter was one of my children and our friendship came from just me getting a breather from a hard day and her picking up her child. All we had ever said to each other before that day was "hi" and "bye", but that day was different, we stood and talked to each other for a very long time. Now, look at us 6 years later, we are closer now than ever and we just get closer every year. Have a great day, Nay-Nay!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What A Great Day!
The kids and I had a fantastic afternoon and we all enjoyed ourselves so much. We left the house with the kids thinking we were just heading to the library, but I surprised them with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese and their reaction when they saw where we were pulling up was great. Jimmy started screaming and Taylor had the biggest smile on her face. We ordered our pizza and grabbed the tokens and the kids were off. I played air hockey with Tay and helped Jimmy drive car video games. Afterwards, we headed to the library where Taylor picked up the book she had ordered and they both found new books and both of them picked out two DVDs apiece. Taylor logged onto a computer while Jimmy and I looked around for our books. Taylor got a book for her book report and is very excited to start reading it. I read it many, many years ago and I hope she enjoys it as much as I did. I love spending time with my kids and I decided to take them out for a special treat since they both have done so good with my new budget and not getting all the special things they are used to. It's hard on all of us but the kids are used to basically getting whatever their heart desires and it has been pretty tough on them (Taylor). Eric is having bad withdrawals from not eating out, which is nothing like he used to be. We never used to eat out all the time, but we spent 2 or 3 months where we never ate at home but maybe twice a month, not only did it drain the money but it makes it where you hate the restaurants that used to be such a treat. We have done good and since Eric had his pizza cheat, I decided the kids deserve a day out and they loved it. I was told I am the best mom ever, now that's awesome!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Some Exciting News

My sister, Stephanie, is expecting her first child and my first "niece or nephew". She has been after me for a couple days to post this news but every time I try something is going on. She called with the news Friday night and I am happy for her, she is happy. Steph has been a great aunt to my children and I know she will be a great mommy as well. Good luck to you and Dylan and I wish you both the best. Love ya!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Uneventful Week
I haven't posted in a while because our life has been pretty boring with just basic going ons: school, outside play and cleaning. We are getting ready to make our weekly trip to the library so the kids can find some new reading material, they both love going and today we are having Eric join us. We have a little over a month before we move and I hope to have everything ready to go early this time so I am not rushing around. I am flying Steph out after the move so she can visit for a week, we all miss her and are very excited to have her here.
Everyone needs to check out Nick's site for his newest songs, the studio they are working with wanted him and Rory to do some accoustic and they turned out great., check it out.
Hopefully we will have something exciting happen over the weekend to post about, but right now we are in a boring rut LOL.
Everyone needs to check out Nick's site for his newest songs, the studio they are working with wanted him and Rory to do some accoustic and they turned out great., check it out.
Hopefully we will have something exciting happen over the weekend to post about, but right now we are in a boring rut LOL.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Today, we signed Jimmy up for T-ball and his first game will be March 6th, he is very excited. He and Isaiah will be on the same team and we can't wait to see him play. I am taking him out tomorrow to buy his glove and pants and I will make sure to get a lot of pictures. I have decided to make the drive from Winter Haven to Lakeland so he could stay with Isaiah and it will be better for Eric to make it after work.
Friday, January 12, 2007
We will finally have a house again, we will be moving in the end of February. The house is in Winter Haven and in a very nice neighborhood. They are still working on the inside but it is just about done, just a little clean up and painting and we will have a brand new house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, big fenced yard, it's perfect. I can't believe that it is already landscaped, Eric doesn't like all the bushes, but I think it looks cute. Well, I figured I give all the update.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yesterday was a day of more tests and quizzes and she still did great. Jimmy can now spell his name and he is starting to figure out what the letters look like. After learning his letter of the week I send him to the refrigerator to find the magnetic letter and bring it to me. After he brought me the letter he was learning, I asked him to bring me past letters and he did it. Those magnets are really helping, before I couldn't get him to remember what the letters looked like, so he's doing great as well. I love being able to teach my children, this has been the best experience I have ever had.
Tomorrow is library day and the kids are really looking forward to it. Both of my kids love books as much as I do, they love going to the book store and will stay there as long as I need them to with no peep from either, and the library is fun for them because they get to use their cards to take books home. We only have 3 months left of school, it has just flown by and I can't believe my baby will be in kindergarten next school year.
Everyone knows that Taylor loves the new Disney show High School Musical, but her little brother loves it just as much. He goes in his room with his CD player and her CD and sings and dances to the music. He makes Eric and me laugh all the time with all the dances he comes up with.
I had Eric stay home a little longer this morning so he could have breakfast with us. I made blueberry muffins and he always complains that I never make him breakfast, so I did it this morning (hopefully it will hold him for awhile.) Now, it time to start school, so I will post soon.
Tomorrow is library day and the kids are really looking forward to it. Both of my kids love books as much as I do, they love going to the book store and will stay there as long as I need them to with no peep from either, and the library is fun for them because they get to use their cards to take books home. We only have 3 months left of school, it has just flown by and I can't believe my baby will be in kindergarten next school year.
Everyone knows that Taylor loves the new Disney show High School Musical, but her little brother loves it just as much. He goes in his room with his CD player and her CD and sings and dances to the music. He makes Eric and me laugh all the time with all the dances he comes up with.
I had Eric stay home a little longer this morning so he could have breakfast with us. I made blueberry muffins and he always complains that I never make him breakfast, so I did it this morning (hopefully it will hold him for awhile.) Now, it time to start school, so I will post soon.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A Bad Start and Good Ending
Yesterday was very busy, Taylor had 2 tests and 2 quizzes right off the bat but she passed 2 with 100% and 2 in the high A's. Tay is a very bright child and she loves to learn. Both of the kids did more art projects again and they turned out fabulous. Taylor had to make an aquarium and she took it to the next level with her creativity, I was blown away with her skills in drawing.
Jimmy had a tough day yesterday, so we did not do school. He was crying about everything, which is nothing like him, once he was working on his projects he was fine, so I thought maybe he had just been bored, WRONG! Immediately, when art was over, he started again, so I put him in bed and let him watch a movie and that seemed to help. I don't have too many hard days with Jim, he usually cooperates very well, but yesterday was just not his day. I figured, he is allowed a bad day every once in awhile, we've all been there.
After dinner, Eric and I played with the kids for awhile and then settled down to watch Wife Swap and Super Nanny. Jimmy loves Super Nanny and does not budge from his spot while it is on but during commercials, he dances around the living room making us laugh. All in all, it turned out to be a great day.
Jimmy had a tough day yesterday, so we did not do school. He was crying about everything, which is nothing like him, once he was working on his projects he was fine, so I thought maybe he had just been bored, WRONG! Immediately, when art was over, he started again, so I put him in bed and let him watch a movie and that seemed to help. I don't have too many hard days with Jim, he usually cooperates very well, but yesterday was just not his day. I figured, he is allowed a bad day every once in awhile, we've all been there.
After dinner, Eric and I played with the kids for awhile and then settled down to watch Wife Swap and Super Nanny. Jimmy loves Super Nanny and does not budge from his spot while it is on but during commercials, he dances around the living room making us laugh. All in all, it turned out to be a great day.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom
Today Mom is celebrating her 28 1/2 year birthday and I hope it is great. I was able to call her this morning and the kids called her after the zoo to wish her a happy day. I love and miss you, Mom, and hopefully will see you sooner than later. Have a wonderful day and enjoy your Outback!
A Day at Lowery Park Zoo
Today we spent the day with our children at Lowery Park Zoo in Tampa and I have to say, I was very impressed. I figured it would be just so-so, but it was great. KC Zoo has a lot more animals but the way this zoo is set up is far better than KC. The kids rode rides and we all had fun watching the manatees.
Today was actually a field trip for Taylor, she is learning about vertabrates and invertabrates and tomorrow she will write about her trip in her science journal. Our Friends of the Zoocard worked here as well, so we were able to get into the park for free, I have to say that was a great gift from Grandma and Grandpa. Hope you enjoy the pictures and I can't wait to take visitors to this zoo, it was so much fun and the kids had a blast. Tay and Jim also played in the water park and they loved it. Our temp hit almost 90 degrees today, not bad for January.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Bubble Bath Fun
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