Above are the first sonogram pictures of my niece or nephew. Stephi is due May 27th (it's somewhere around that date.) She should be finding the sex of the baby shortly and we are anxious to know for sure. No one in our family has had two boys in a row...will she make Maucelli history???
Matt and Becky just found out they are expecting a baby boy April 8th of next year. They also have twin daughters, Lauren and Macie. Congratulations on your new addition, boys are a lot of fun!
I have made this a blog for a cause. I make and sell candles from my home, as a hobby and a little income, it's not much but it's something I enjoy doing. I have followed a blog about a very special little boy, Tucker Bryant, who is in need of a heart surgery. I am willing to donate a part of my profits to his family so they can put it towards whatever they need to make this easier on their family. Whenever a candle is purchased, I will put a percentage of that sale towards the I "Heart" Tucker fund and will send his parents a check at the end of every month. If you would like to help in the donation please email me at candlesbyscorpio@aol.com with your order. If you want to be known, I will place your name on the donation list, if you would like to stay anonymous, I will still place your donation size without your name. Let's do our part to help this little boy, we can make a huge difference in this family's life!
You can read about Tucker's life at http://bryantfamilynews.blogspot.com
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