Monday, May 21, 2007

Big Vaccine Danger

Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about the Hepatitis B vaccine, I dislike it. Right after Taylor was born she was given the vaccine, at the time I didn't know any different and allowed them to administer this drug into her little body. A day or two after her birth, while still in the hospital, I stepped out for a cigarette where I met a nurse (I wish I would've have gotten her name) who warned me about the dangers of this vaccine and urged me not to allow my baby to receive it, it was too late at that point. Her and a doctor had researched the Hepatitis B for 5-years prior (it was 1997 when I spoke to her) and she let me know that this was very dangerous. Being a young mother, I disregarded what she had told me and allowed Taylor to receive the rest of her Hep B vaccines.

Our first run with any problems was when Taylor was only 2 months old, she was running a 105 temp and totally lifeless, nothing we could do for her. When we got her to Children's Mercy Children's Hospital they put an IV in her and we just prayed that she would be fine. That was the first of many hospital trips, that poor little girl spent most of her first 2 years in and out of the hospital with the same problem every time, the only problem, no one knew what the cause was. Dr. Wilson finally decided to do a blood test, we found that her T-Cell count was very low and still, no one could figure out what was wrong. Then, the conversation I had with that nurse a few days after Tay was born came back to me and I went to Dr. Wilson and asked if there was anyway to get all the immunizations out of her body. At first he was very reluctant, he felt that not giving your children they immunizations was child abuse, but what else did I have to lose?

The whole detox took 3 months of a special liquid Taylor took three times a day. After the 3 months was up I took her in for a new blood test and guess what? Her blood was normal once again and I have never put another vaccine into her body and I never will. Dr. Wilson stands behind me on what we did with Taylor and for her to get into school I had to supply them with a card that said she was exempt from her shots that Dr. Wilson gladly signed for me, but you don't have to have the doctor's signature to use them.

Jimmy, has received all his shots except Hep B and chicken pox and that is how it will stay. I do not regret what I have chosen for my children and Taylor is so healthy now that I know what I did was the best for her, she had to be miserable as a baby.

I found a great website and there are actually many more that will explain how dangerous it is to give our newborns these shots. Please, reasearch for yourself if you have small babies and really decide if it's worth it.

Please checkout

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