We had a great family filled weekend starting off with taking the kids to "Shrek the Third" Sunday and swimming Monday, they had so much fun. I decided to take them to the park for a picnic yesterday and on the way we called Eric to join us, the kids were so excited when he showed up and had lunch. Taylor ended up spending the rest of her day at work with Daddy while Jimmy and I did some shopping.
Airline tickets are bought and we will be seeing you all next month...woohoo! I can't wait to experience the birth of my sister's first baby and I am so happy she is allowing me to join her in the delivery room, I will have pictures galore...don't worry, birth pictures will not be posted but I will be showing the world the precious little one right away.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Ron Paul 2008

I am starting to spread the word about a wonderful man who is running for President in the 2008 election, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas). This is a man who is for the people, lets help spread the word and get him in office to clean up the mess that the past Presidents have created.
Ron Paul:
-Has never voted to raise taxes.
-Has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
-Has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
-Has never voted to raise congressional pay.
-Has never taken a government-paid junket.
-Has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
-He voted against the Patriot Act.
-He voted against regulating the Internet.
-He voted against the Iraq War.
Ron Paul is known to be the only one standing during votes, but that does not stop him, he will stand for what he believes and what will help us as United States Citizens.
He does not participate in the congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. Treasury every year. That is outstanding and someone who I believe is for us.
These are his issues (taken from his website, http://www.ronpaul2008.com/):
Debt and Taxes:
Working Americans like lower taxes. So do I. Lower taxes benefit all of us, creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives.
American Independence and Sovereignty:
So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA are a threat to our independence as a nation.
War and Foreign Policy:
The war in Iraq was sold to us with false information. The area is more dangerous now than when we entered it. We destroyed a regime hated by our direct enemies, the jihadists, and created thousands of new recruits for them.
Border Security and Immigration Reform:
The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked.
Privacy and Personal Liberty:
The biggest threat to your privacy is the government. We must drastically limit the ability of government to collect and store data regarding citizens' personal matters.
Property Rights and Eminent Domain:
We must stop special interests from violating property rights and literally driving families from their homes, farms, and ranches.
If you read what this man is about and don't agree that he is for Us...The People of the United States of America...then our hope is gone. He has won the Republican MS NBC debate and most of the people cheering for him had not even heard his name before. Nani, has been talking about Ron Paul for awhile now and finally he is getting more and more supporters.
All I ask, please read up on him, go to You Tube and search his name and watch his videos, and then tell your friends and hopefully they will tell theirs. I can't see anyone not liking his views and if we all work together, we will have a great President in 2008. Help spread the word:
Ron Paul in 2008
Hope for America:
Be Apart of It!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Update on Stephanie and Baby
Stephi had a pre-natal check-up yesterday and everything is going great and she also found out she is further along than she thought. I will be in KC next month (yes, I changed my mind again) so I can be with her for the ultrasounds, (she has two in one week, one 4D and a regular) and Mom and I have to get a baby shower prepared before the baby arrives and of course I will stay for a couple weeks after the birth before I head back home. I guess I am not one who can visit for a couple weeks, it always ends up in the months.
Stephanie is very excited for her baby to get here and I am so excited to be an aunt. I told Taylor she will be able to view the ultrasound as well and she is very excited. I will give further updates as they come in. Love ya Sis and can't wait for Anisa Rae to get here.
Stephanie is very excited for her baby to get here and I am so excited to be an aunt. I told Taylor she will be able to view the ultrasound as well and she is very excited. I will give further updates as they come in. Love ya Sis and can't wait for Anisa Rae to get here.
More Bingo

Last weekend I wrote about our family playing along with National Bingo Night on ABC and how much fun we had. A producer from the show came across my blog and they contacted me through email and said they would like to send us some official bingo night gear, well, it showed up today and we received four daubers and some stickers. We are very grateful, Glassman Media, and cannot wait to play tomorrow night with our daubers.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Big Vaccine Danger
Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about the Hepatitis B vaccine, I dislike it. Right after Taylor was born she was given the vaccine, at the time I didn't know any different and allowed them to administer this drug into her little body. A day or two after her birth, while still in the hospital, I stepped out for a cigarette where I met a nurse (I wish I would've have gotten her name) who warned me about the dangers of this vaccine and urged me not to allow my baby to receive it, it was too late at that point. Her and a doctor had researched the Hepatitis B for 5-years prior (it was 1997 when I spoke to her) and she let me know that this was very dangerous. Being a young mother, I disregarded what she had told me and allowed Taylor to receive the rest of her Hep B vaccines.
Our first run with any problems was when Taylor was only 2 months old, she was running a 105 temp and totally lifeless, nothing we could do for her. When we got her to Children's Mercy Children's Hospital they put an IV in her and we just prayed that she would be fine. That was the first of many hospital trips, that poor little girl spent most of her first 2 years in and out of the hospital with the same problem every time, the only problem, no one knew what the cause was. Dr. Wilson finally decided to do a blood test, we found that her T-Cell count was very low and still, no one could figure out what was wrong. Then, the conversation I had with that nurse a few days after Tay was born came back to me and I went to Dr. Wilson and asked if there was anyway to get all the immunizations out of her body. At first he was very reluctant, he felt that not giving your children they immunizations was child abuse, but what else did I have to lose?
The whole detox took 3 months of a special liquid Taylor took three times a day. After the 3 months was up I took her in for a new blood test and guess what? Her blood was normal once again and I have never put another vaccine into her body and I never will. Dr. Wilson stands behind me on what we did with Taylor and for her to get into school I had to supply them with a card that said she was exempt from her shots that Dr. Wilson gladly signed for me, but you don't have to have the doctor's signature to use them.
Jimmy, has received all his shots except Hep B and chicken pox and that is how it will stay. I do not regret what I have chosen for my children and Taylor is so healthy now that I know what I did was the best for her, she had to be miserable as a baby.
I found a great website and there are actually many more that will explain how dangerous it is to give our newborns these shots. Please, reasearch for yourself if you have small babies and really decide if it's worth it.
Please checkout www.thinktwice.com
Our first run with any problems was when Taylor was only 2 months old, she was running a 105 temp and totally lifeless, nothing we could do for her. When we got her to Children's Mercy Children's Hospital they put an IV in her and we just prayed that she would be fine. That was the first of many hospital trips, that poor little girl spent most of her first 2 years in and out of the hospital with the same problem every time, the only problem, no one knew what the cause was. Dr. Wilson finally decided to do a blood test, we found that her T-Cell count was very low and still, no one could figure out what was wrong. Then, the conversation I had with that nurse a few days after Tay was born came back to me and I went to Dr. Wilson and asked if there was anyway to get all the immunizations out of her body. At first he was very reluctant, he felt that not giving your children they immunizations was child abuse, but what else did I have to lose?
The whole detox took 3 months of a special liquid Taylor took three times a day. After the 3 months was up I took her in for a new blood test and guess what? Her blood was normal once again and I have never put another vaccine into her body and I never will. Dr. Wilson stands behind me on what we did with Taylor and for her to get into school I had to supply them with a card that said she was exempt from her shots that Dr. Wilson gladly signed for me, but you don't have to have the doctor's signature to use them.
Jimmy, has received all his shots except Hep B and chicken pox and that is how it will stay. I do not regret what I have chosen for my children and Taylor is so healthy now that I know what I did was the best for her, she had to be miserable as a baby.
I found a great website and there are actually many more that will explain how dangerous it is to give our newborns these shots. Please, reasearch for yourself if you have small babies and really decide if it's worth it.
Please checkout www.thinktwice.com
Friday, May 18, 2007
Family Game Night
This afternoon I printed out our bingo cards and this evening at 9 PM all four of us sat in front of the TV playing National Bingo Night on ABC. None of us won, but we all had such a blast, especially, Jimmy, who has never played bingo before. He kept asking if he'd won and would get very upset when I told him no. Taylor loved it and was very serious throughout the game, no messing around or calling out a fake bingo without her screaming out us to stop it. We plan to do this every week, we had so much fun and it gives us all something to do as a family.
A First Glimps
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I'm Coming to KC
I have decided to postpone my trip next month and wait until the end of July. I want to be there for Stephanie's baby shower and the baby's birth. Mom and I have decided to throw Steph a baby shower in August and then I will have time to spend with her and the baby after the birth. I am so excited to see everyone and cannot wait. I usually start the kids in school end of July to early August but I will start late this year, probably around the end of September or early October, so they can enjoy their family before we have to head back to Lakeland.
Nani, we still have many casino dates that we need to put into our plan books, we need some bonding time together and what's the best way to do that...you guessed it, feeding the machines.
Love and miss you all, but I will be there sooner than later.
Nani, we still have many casino dates that we need to put into our plan books, we need some bonding time together and what's the best way to do that...you guessed it, feeding the machines.
Love and miss you all, but I will be there sooner than later.
More of Kam

I need to make a blog just decicated to Kam since I love posting his picture. Just wait for Steph's baby to be born, my camera holds 890 pictures and 45 minutes of video, so while I am in KC this blog will be Anisa galore...hehehe...don't worry I will dedicate tons of pictures to Kam as well. I am hoping to get both babies together. Is he beautiful or what?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day, Donna (mother of three, Nani of three.) You mean so much to me and have made me the woman I am today. I remember all the love and kindness you have showed me throughout my life and I now try my best to show my children what I have learned from you. You are always there when I need you, even if it's just hearing your voice over the phone. I love you more than words could ever express. I wish I could be there with you now, but I will see you soon and think of you all the time.
Happy Mother's Day, Linda (mother of four, Nani of six, and Nani Celli of four.) You have been the best Nani anyone could ever wish for and I know I can always depend on you. I love how close we are and that I am able to share everything with you, we have a very special relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Happy Mother's Day, Anna (mother of one, Maw-Maw of three, great Maw-Maw of six, and Great-Great Maw-Maw of four.) You will always be a very special person to me. I love you so much and I do remember all of our time together when I was young, from our shopping to garage sales and everything in between. I am so glad that my children get to enjoy you as well and that is a very special gift. You are a wonderful Maw-Maw and a wonderful lady, beautiful inside and out!
Happy Mother's Day, Stephanie (mother of one.) I know you haven't got to hold the "Little One" yet but you are still a mother carrying and nurturing that baby. I know you will be a loving and caring mother as you are a wonderful sister and aunt. I wish you the best, you have the same teacher I did, you will do just fine.
Happy Mother's Day, Rachel (mother of one.) This is your first Mother's Day and what a precious gift you have received. Love him like each day is the last and enjoy every milestone along the way, they go by so quick.
Happy Mother's Day, Ann (mother of two, Nani of one.) You are a wonderful person and I am so glad that I have you in my life. I know we don't see each other much, but I do love you a lot. I have so many memories of things we have done (laying on your couch bed when I was younger watching MTV and Purple Rain.) I hope you had a wonderful day.
Happy Mother's Day, Alisha (mother of two.) I hope you had a great day with your beautiful little girl and enjoy each one to come. Next year at this time you will have double the love each day, not just on Mother's Day. To our little ones, evey day is Mother's Day and they only feel that way for so long, so eat it up now. Again, Congrats on baby #2.
Happy Mother's Day, Teresa (Mother of two, Nini of one.) You are very special to me and more important, to Isaiah. He loves you so much and you give him the world. I am proud that their are people like you out there and even more, I am proud to know you and be your friend.
Happy Mother's Day, Sue (mother of three.) I don't get to talk to you much but I do think of you often. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. There are not many mother's like you out there these days but I am glad you have a part in our lives as well.
Last but not least...
Happy Mother's Day, Renee (mother of two.) You are one of the best friends I have ever had and you have been a huge part of my children's lives. I never thought I would meet someone who I could trust with my kids outside of my family, but then you popped into my life and I trust you completely to keep them safe and happy. You are a terrific mother, I know you are having some difficult times, but they will pass and you will be whole again, I promise. I'm thinking of you and I love you dearly.
I know I skipped many but I focused this post on people that I know read this blog. Happy Mother's Day to all who have cradled a newborn baby, woke in the middle of the night to a scared child, nursed a sick child, watched your baby go to school for the first time, watched your child graduate, get married and start a family of their own and to all the mother's who lost a child, and to all women who have taken in a child that is not their own, you are special and enjoy your special day.
Happy Mother's Day, Linda (mother of four, Nani of six, and Nani Celli of four.) You have been the best Nani anyone could ever wish for and I know I can always depend on you. I love how close we are and that I am able to share everything with you, we have a very special relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Happy Mother's Day, Anna (mother of one, Maw-Maw of three, great Maw-Maw of six, and Great-Great Maw-Maw of four.) You will always be a very special person to me. I love you so much and I do remember all of our time together when I was young, from our shopping to garage sales and everything in between. I am so glad that my children get to enjoy you as well and that is a very special gift. You are a wonderful Maw-Maw and a wonderful lady, beautiful inside and out!
Happy Mother's Day, Stephanie (mother of one.) I know you haven't got to hold the "Little One" yet but you are still a mother carrying and nurturing that baby. I know you will be a loving and caring mother as you are a wonderful sister and aunt. I wish you the best, you have the same teacher I did, you will do just fine.
Happy Mother's Day, Rachel (mother of one.) This is your first Mother's Day and what a precious gift you have received. Love him like each day is the last and enjoy every milestone along the way, they go by so quick.
Happy Mother's Day, Ann (mother of two, Nani of one.) You are a wonderful person and I am so glad that I have you in my life. I know we don't see each other much, but I do love you a lot. I have so many memories of things we have done (laying on your couch bed when I was younger watching MTV and Purple Rain.) I hope you had a wonderful day.
Happy Mother's Day, Alisha (mother of two.) I hope you had a great day with your beautiful little girl and enjoy each one to come. Next year at this time you will have double the love each day, not just on Mother's Day. To our little ones, evey day is Mother's Day and they only feel that way for so long, so eat it up now. Again, Congrats on baby #2.
Happy Mother's Day, Teresa (Mother of two, Nini of one.) You are very special to me and more important, to Isaiah. He loves you so much and you give him the world. I am proud that their are people like you out there and even more, I am proud to know you and be your friend.
Happy Mother's Day, Sue (mother of three.) I don't get to talk to you much but I do think of you often. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. There are not many mother's like you out there these days but I am glad you have a part in our lives as well.
Last but not least...
Happy Mother's Day, Renee (mother of two.) You are one of the best friends I have ever had and you have been a huge part of my children's lives. I never thought I would meet someone who I could trust with my kids outside of my family, but then you popped into my life and I trust you completely to keep them safe and happy. You are a terrific mother, I know you are having some difficult times, but they will pass and you will be whole again, I promise. I'm thinking of you and I love you dearly.
I know I skipped many but I focused this post on people that I know read this blog. Happy Mother's Day to all who have cradled a newborn baby, woke in the middle of the night to a scared child, nursed a sick child, watched your baby go to school for the first time, watched your child graduate, get married and start a family of their own and to all the mother's who lost a child, and to all women who have taken in a child that is not their own, you are special and enjoy your special day.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Stephi's Pregnant Tummy

Alisha, since stephi is not updating I will post a picture for you. This is Stephanie's pregnant tummy at 23 weeks pregnant. I will update on her as soon as I hear about the doctor's appointment, but I am sure my little "niece" is doing great. I say niece but I do not know for sure but I just have that feeling but if I am wrong, I will love my little nephew just the same. Good luck to you, Sis, I love you.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Smoke in Our Eyes
The brush fires are out of control here in Florida and you can barely breath when outside. It looks like a deep fog surrounds us and the smell of fire is very strong. We are in advisories and have been told not to go outside unless we absolutely have to. I have never been in anything like this before but I hate it. I try to smoke my cigarettes as fast as possible when I am out for a "smoke break" just because the stinch is so bad out there.Hopefully we can get enough drenching rain to wipe these out in the next couple days, so, keep your fingers crossed for us.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Kamron Update
Kamron is still in NICU now will not be able to go home on schedule with his mommy. They had to place a feeding tube into him, Rachel was able to breast feed immediately after his birth but now he is in an incubator. Good speed little man and get back into your mama's arms. We all love you and wish you the best in life, you have a lot of people that love you and can't wait to feel you in their arms...including me and of course Auntie Donna.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Meet Kamron Jayden

I just found out the correct spelling of this beautiful little boys name. He came into the world at 11:01 A.M. weighing 5 lbs. 5 oz., 17 inches long, tons of black hair. He looks like his mommy when she was born, you did a great job Rachel.
I talked to Rachel earlier and she said everyone is fine and she is pretty worn out, which is to be expected. Kamron is in the NICU for now, his temperature is not where it needs to be but other than that, he is doing great.
These are just a few of his first pictures, I will post many more as they become available.
I talked to Rachel earlier and she said everyone is fine and she is pretty worn out, which is to be expected. Kamron is in the NICU for now, his temperature is not where it needs to be but other than that, he is doing great.
These are just a few of his first pictures, I will post many more as they become available.
Welcome Cameron Jaden Dooley
Cameron Jaden has finally arrived, weighing in at 5 lbs. 5 oz. I don't have a lot of info right this second but will update soon with pictures, I hear he looks just like Rachel. Please check back soon for Mom and Ann are sending pictures out soon.
Welcome Baby Cameron, I wish you the best and can't wait to meet you! Cousin Taylor and Jimmy are very excited as well!
Welcome Baby Cameron, I wish you the best and can't wait to meet you! Cousin Taylor and Jimmy are very excited as well!
Awaiting the Arrival
At four-thirty this morning I received a call from Mom letting me know that Rachel is in the hospital about to have the baby. Her water broke around 1 A.M. this morning and by 5 she was 4 centimeters dilated. Rachel was in a car accident last Friday and probably has something to do with her 4 week early labor. They did a sonogram when she got to the hospital and figured Cameron to be 5 lbs. 4 oz., so his weight won't cause problems. I will be posting a picture as soon as he is born.
Make a safe entrance into the world and welcome to the family.
Make a safe entrance into the world and welcome to the family.
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