Saturday, June 24, 2006

In five days I will be seeing Eric and I am so excited. We have so much planned for the five days I will be there and Eric has all the days off so we will have a lot of time together, which we are not used too. We are planning on spending the weekend in Daytona. Eric actually called and made an appointment for me to have my nails done the day I get in. Jen, the lady that does my nails argued with him about the time he set up because she knows I get them later so he had to explain that the kids would still be in Missouri.

Taylor and Jimmy will be staying with my mom for the 4th of July and they are excited. They havee been with her this weekend as well but I am "babysitting" them for her right now because she went to Nick's show. Stephi took Taylor last night and got her a second ear piercing. Taylor has decided she also wants piercing all over her face (YUK!) hope she grows out of that one.

JIMMY UPDATE: After all the blood tests came back negative, I was told to keep my eye on him to see if the lumps go down. So far they are still there and I am just glad that we are here where Dr. Wilson can canre for him and plus he is just right down the road if we need him. I am still a little concerned since they are still there and on his head but we will keep an eye on them and I will keep eveyone updated with any info I find out. He is still just a happy go lucky kid, doesn't show any signs of anything being wrong so hopefully everything will be fine.

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