Friday, June 09, 2006

A Day with My Kids

I spent the whole day with my children and we had so much fun. I made them pancakes for breakfast and then we all got dressed and walked up to the park where they played. Taylor spent most of the time messing with her cell phone (Aunt Ste got her a Tinker Bell and Eeyore face plate for it). We decided to walk along the trail and I enjoyed watching the kids get excited over the things that they found. Once we got home it was lunch time and I promised my little vegetarian I would make her some asparagus for lunch and I kept my promise...fresh from Nani and Poppa's garden. Jimmy had to take a nap but Tay and I cuddled on the couch and watched TV. This is the best benefit of being a stay-at-home mom, the quailty time you get to spend with your kids and I enjoy every minute of it.

I think so many people have children before they should, they put their careers and other things ahead of their children which is so sad and the reason children are like they are today. I understand that single parents don't have the choice but to work, but there are so many moms and dads out there that could make it on one income (even if you have to give up the little luxuries) but choose to put their 6 week old babies in a daycare and they will soon go to school and only have a few hours a week with their actual parents, to me that is not fair. Children need our love and devotion whether it's mom or dads, but we should do everything in our power to give our children our family's morals and beliefs and not someone elses. To all the stay-at-home parents (not demestic goddess' or housewives) but moms and dads who choose to have a career based on their children, I think you're doing a great job and just know that you are raising the children of our world and they will pass that on to their children.

Thank you mom for making me who I am today, the mother of two happy, healthy children. You made us your life until we were old enough to get our own (hehehe)...I love you very much!

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