Besides my already hectic schedule of cooking, cleaning, teaching my children school and keeping them entertained and happy throughout the day, I have decided to add a couple more classes to my schedule as well. As most of you know I started taking a Tarot Reading class which ended last week. That was a six week class and pretty easy, just the basics of everything, now I have enrolled in two more tougher classes. I chose the next step of Tarot, which is a little more tricky and consists of a class every two weeks and an exam, on top of that I have two projects to complete in those two weeks. Sounds easy, not even close! This class will teach me how to feel the cards more than just writing down the meaning, it will teach me to acknowledge my psychic ability. I have a great interest in the Tarot and am very excited to get started on my first project on The Fool and The Magician (cards 0 and I.)
The next class I have decided to take is on Wicca, everything about it. My first course is on the Book of Shadows (BOS) and also has exams and projects. This is actually a three year course when all is said and done. I have a class every week with the exam every seven days, I am really excited about this.
I have such a great interest in everything that has to do with this religion and hope to eventually know all herbs and their healing powers. I also would love to find my psychic abilities, I know they're there I just need to find out how to access them.
I have two meditation assignments every two weeks that go along with the two cards of the week. Today will be my first day of the meditation and I also have to document my experiences in a journal. I never knew there were so many classes available on Wicca, I guess they keep them under-wraps, but you would be amazed how it can make you feel so much better.
I suffer from depression, bad depression, that has taken hold of my life for several years. Through studying Wicca, I have found ways to almost eliminate my depression. I have not felt this good in a long time, I finally have energy and am very happy with who am I, I am proud of my accomplishments. I am now not on any medications, have been able to get back down to my normal weight and keep it there, I feel healthy again and I see the impact that it has made on my family life.
I am not trying to bring anyone to my side, I am just wanting everyone to know the impact it has had on my life. I know the Christian religion, I was brought up Catholic and even as a child in Catholic school, I questioned what I was told, I was always the one asking questions that I am sure pissed off my teachers but what I was told never clicked with me. I went around my teenage and adult life feeling lost because I believed in God, I just didn't really believe what I was told in the Bible. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Bible, I think the Bible tells great stories, but that's what they are to me, is stories with morals. I don't have any one telling me how I have to do my religion, I do it my way and anytime I choose, I can have a ritual or spellwork (which is prayer.) I don't ride on a broom, levitate or shoot fire beams from my fingers, I am human and humans don't do those things, that's called Hollywood.
When I am at my altar I feel pure ease and it is so amazing how you can feel the positive energy all around you. It is an actual physical feeling and my kids can feel it as well, they tell me how around my altar feels so much different than anywhere else in my home, they love to lay their hands on it and feel the positive energy. The only thing they are not allowed to do without my okay is touch any of my magickal tools. Taylor and Jimmy have their own magickal tools and they love joining me in daily dedications and they love doing their own bedtime rituals using their own magick.
As everyone knows, I teach my children through Christian school books and yesterday, Taylor and I got a kick out of what they were telling us. Taylor is learning about Pilgrims and Native American Indians. We all know that Native Americans are Pagans, always have been, they believe in the earth and all it's powers, they follow the elements and natural healing, all Pagan, actual they are a branch of Paganism called Shamanism. Anyway, in her book, of course, talks about how the Pilgrims came over and changed them into Christians, which I guess maybe a few, but a lot of Native Americans still practice Paganism to this day. We love to watch their Pow-Wows, right? They dance in a circle around a bonfire, singing, raising their hands to the sky, this is their ritual for whatever they are wanting, They move in a circle creating positive energies for healing or again, whatever they choose is needed in their life at that time. Their ritual is no different from my rituals, we do the same things but we are each a different branch, but believe in the same elements and our many God/dess, we are for the earth and nature. I do take the time during school to point out the differences so my children can choose their own path. I let them join me in my practice, if they choose to do so, but also give them the knowledge that my religion is not the only or the right religion, I believe every religion is wonderful, it's what make you as an individual happy. I just choose not to have someone tell me I am a sinner and will be in hell if I don't do this or that. I don't believe in heaven or hell (or the devil, he has no place in our works, he is a Christian myth to scare and control the followers), I believe we are here on this earth to learn and we will return to this earth at another time to start a new lesson or relearn one we did not quite get when we were here before. I believe in the Summerlands, a place for souls to wait their descent back to earth and to watch over us here.
Hopefully, that will give you all a look into what Wicca is, and who the people involved in Wicca are. When you see teens out for gore and black magick, they are trying to follow the trends they see on T.V., that is not Wicca. We are people that stand in front or behind you in the grocery store and at the mall, our kids play with yours at the park and you can't tell from looking at us that we work with candles, incense and herbs in our home. We dress in the same clothing as you and we live life by "harm none." In that we love all living creatures, we may not want all of them in our home (bugs) but we know that each and every living thing has a purpose and reason for being here, just as we do, and we know it's life is no less valuable than ours. So, with that, I will end this and just say, Blessed Be, to all that walk the path and for those of you who walk through life, we are all one and the same.
Scorpio Moon