Monday, September 24, 2007

Moving On...

I don't think that our family will ever be the same without Dooley with us but we will try our hardest to move on with him in our memories. We all have expressed the emptiness now within us and like I have said before, there will never be another who can replace the void in my heart that I am now left with.

On a better note, Vincent Mikel Maucelli Marshall will be brought in this world before the end of this week and I am so excited to see him. I want to add that I misspelled Vinney, this is how she will spell it. He will now be Vinney Mike!

I have started searching for homeschooling supplies since the time has come to start school once again. I found a great site today that really made me happy and I cannot wait to use it. I have choosen a new path for myself and will take my children along for the ride. At first I was not going to mention it but I am proud of who I am and everyone who knows me know that I am a good person. I have figured out that I am Pagan and I have chose to take the path of Wiccan which has been a very interesting subject for me. Since I have stumbled upon this a couple months ago I have felt so much better inside, at peace. I have learned a lot about moon phases and natural healing, it has been a great experience.

For so long I thought pagan's were devil worshippers but looking into it I found they do not even believe in the devil, they are for nature and nature's way and I think that is great. Never knowing where I belonged in a religion has been a struggle for me for several years and now I am so happy to find something that is what I have believed all along, I just didn't know it had a name. The Wiccan Law is very simple to remember: "Do as ye will but do no harm!" I was able to celebrate my first holiday Saturday, which is Mabon: Autumnal Equinox, it was great and you can celebrate with everyone even if they do not believe the way you do.

I will continue to homeschool the children through Abeka, which is a Christian school but I will also teach them about the "Old Ways" as well and let them choose the path that is best for them. Eric was a little scared when he first found out that I have decided to do this but has calmed down once he figured out what it was about. He was here to celebrate Thanksgiving with me over the weekend and everyone who joined in had a great time, even Uncle Mike had a place at the table. Even though this is not the way my family believes, they did stand behind me and had a great time, thanks to all that came to celebrate with me.

Uncle Mike: Through darkness, there is light; through bane, there is happiness; through death, there is birth! We will always love you and will miss you the rest of our days! Blessed it be in the Goddess Light!

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