Dear Uncle Mike,
I wish I would have told you all the things that are going through my mind at this moment, before it was too late, but we never expect that the ones we love may never be seen again. Since you have passed all my memories of you have been playing in my mind like a movie and I am remembering things I haven't thought of in years.
I still remember the first time I met you when you were first living with Auntie Ann in Regency Apartments and there was no furniture in the living room and we all sat on the floor, at that moment I was so young and didn't realize I was meeting a man who would eventually make a huge impact on my life. There was also a time when I was young, right after you and Auntie Ann moved into Poppa and Nani's old house, it was just the two of us and we made chocolate chip cookies, you know, the ones in a roll that you refrigerate, and then sat outside on the patio table and ate cookies and milk. I still remember you looking at me and telling me how beautiful I was, I never forgot that, it made me feel so good.
You were the first person to teach me to ride a 3 and 4-wheeler and that first time I wrecked it was you on the back with me. I felt so bad that I wrecked your bike but you were more concerned with how I was and told me that the 3-wheeler could always be fixed. You were the one who saved me when I wrecked the 4-wheeler too, I have never seen someone with such fast reflexes, you were off your bike fast and able to keep mine from pinning me under the water in the creek. The night Angie, Dustin, and I decided we were big enough to camp in the woods by ourselves and I got scared, it was you that stayed the night with us in the tent and kept us safe. I love you Mike Dooley, more than you probably realized.
I have never felt such sorrow as I feel now and I still can't believe that it is you that is actually gone. I know that you had so much on your plate and it must have seemed endless, but we always have loved you, always! I was so happy to see you three weeks ago and now I am so glad that I did, I just wish that I would have know it would be the last time because I would have held you a little longer and let you know how much you mean to me. Uncle Mike, you have a huge space of my heart that no one will ever be able to fill, you are a very special person and I know that you are safe now, you are at peace and that does make me happy for you, all your demons are now gone.
When I saw you a few weeks ago, I told the kids to give Uncle Mike a hug and you looked at me with shock and asked, "You still call me Uncle Mike?" Why wouldn't I? You were the only uncle that ever paid any attention to me or showed me any affection. You are such a compassionate man, you always looked out for others before yourself.
I wanted to write a memorial for you on the page, but even though I know you have touched so many people, I cannot speak for them, but I can speak for me. I decided an open letter is the best way to go and now every one, especially you, will know the love and pain I feel at this point. You are so special and will always be remembered, with me your memory will never fade and I will make sure my children know how great their Uncle Mike was.
Uncle Mike, I ask one thing of you at this point, please be with our family Wednesday, we will need you with us!
Love you always and Forever,