Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stupid Lady

I was just watching the news and saw a story on a 26-year-old woman that left her twin two-year-olds locked in their bedroom while she went shopping at the Brandon Mall. What is wrong with people? I am so sick of people wanting the status of a parent without the responsibility that comes along with it. We, as adults, know good and well that if we want to go shopping and we have children there are only three options: 1. Take them with us, 2. Get a babysitter, or 3. Stay home.

As a mother, I have had many days where I wanted to get away, run away from chaos, but in reality, I know that could never happen. I became a mother knowing what the job details were and I put my children before anything else, that is my job as a mother. There has been several month in a year that I didn't have a break, it was kids 24/7. I have realized since staying at the Maucelli household that mom's do need a break from their children as much as children need a break from parents. I have started going to the store by myself, tanning (funny since I live in Florida but still have the need for the fake bake), and once a week Eric takes the kids on fun adventures and leaves me home to complete silence. I love my kids but I realized I can love them even when they are not with me, it's great to finally have "ME TIME".

As for this mother who left her children home alone, she claims there are two sides to every story; I don't care what the circumstance, you have no reason to leave your babies home alone so you can shop...ridiculous!

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