Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sorry About Not Posting

We have been so busy with all of our visitors that I haven't had the chance to post. We spent a lot of time with Nani and Poppa last week and this week has been spent with Nani, Poppa, and Stephi. Nani and Poppa are still here in Lakeland but have been giving us time with Steph while they do their own thing.
Stephi arrived Monday and has been doing great. She is still suffering through morning sickness but says it hasn't been that bad since she's been here. I had her diaper bag waiting for her when she arrived filled to the brim and every pocket stuffed with goodies for her baby.
I have taken on waiting Isaiah 3 days a week for awhile since his great-grandma has been very sick with spinal meningitis. I love Isaiah and am very happy to have him with me.
Steph and I are taking all three kids to the zoo for the day and I know they will enjoy that. I really love the Freinds of the Zoo card that my grandparents got me and plan to use it frequently with the kids. After everything settles down, Teresa and I are planning on taking the kids as well.
Taylor is starting up with a homeschooling group that includes field trips and science classes at a local children's museum in town. I have teamed up with another homeschooling mom that I met at Jimmy's T-Ball and we will start working together as much as possible since this is her first year homeschooling and she is new to the area. It's not that often that I actually meet another person who does what I do and with her children both being Tay and Jim's age, it works out great. I am very happy with my decision to start doing this.

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