Sunday, July 08, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Hi-Di-Ho strangers! It's been awhile but hopefully I will be able to post more soon--I have a lot going on in my life right now and just don't have the time. I got some good news this afternoon, Eric, will be in town August 3rd and is planning to stay a little over a week! Yeah! I really miss him and can't wait. Mom has been very sick for the past week so I opted to stay with Poppa and Nani for a bit, I really don't want to come down with what she has. They have been nice enough to let me stay in their 5Th-wheel and I love it. The kids have pretty much abandoned me and I have become Stephi's babysitter while she is at work. They love their Aunt Ste so she keeps them almost every night except maybe two nights a week but she brings them to me while she goes into work and then immediately picks them up after work. I guess she is getting used to being a working mom before Vinney arrives.

Steph has been doing very good in her pregnancy and I am able to feel Vincent move all the time. I can't wait to see him, I know he will be a beautiful baby boy! Hopefully I will gets some updates on the 11th for both babies, Steph and Alisha have doctor's appointments on the same day and I can't wait to find out the sex of Baby Jack!

I will try to get some posting done soon so please keep checking, I haven't stopped I just have to take care of some family issues and then I will be home free...hopefully!

1 comment:

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Our doctor's appointment is the 12th. Our fingers are crossed that this little bean will cooperate and let us have a look. I would like to bring Izabel by when you have the kids so they can see one another. Give us a call when you have some free time.