The kids are spending some time with Nani Celli this afternoon while I will be doing an errand with my Auntie Nini. I have really enjoyed being here and seeing my mom and my sister and brother everyday. Nick and I have been spending late nights on the computer playing poker, we have a lot of fun.
Nani was the first person we saw when we came into town, she picked us up from the airport. We headed straight to Damar to surprise Mom and we were able to see Kyle, Poppa, and Auntie Ann. Nani took me to the casino afterwards where I lost my ass! Mom took the kids and I to lunch that day and that was a lot of fun, I have missed good Mexican food.
There are still many people I need to see but I have really been a homebody since I have been here, only venturing out every once in a great while. I have been really tired lately and not feeling quite myself but hopefully that will pass soon.
I also have added Stephi's link for Vincent in my favorites so please check it out. Steph is so excited for her little boy to get here that she can hardly stand it. I have to admit, I am pretty excited myself and can't wait to hold my first nephew.