Friday, April 20, 2007

Columbine High School Shooting Anniversay

I never thought I would be writing about this but I just found some very disturbing video about that horrific day and it brought me to tears. I know for a fact after watching this video and along with all the new events that happen in schools these days, my children will never return to a public school. I have seen footage from this school shooting but I have never seen the shooters walking around with their guns and the smoke and fire and actually seeing one of the precious children that lost their lives that day, lay there, dead. I cried and I'm telling you I cried hard. I felt their fear and I felt as any parent would with children watching this. I think who ever made this video didn't do it as something funny, I think they made it so we could see what really happened that day and all the lives that were lost.

I hear on the news daily about teachers, principals and kids that destroy a safe environment for our children and that saddens me. Why can't we send our children to school knowing that they will be okay? Why can't we let them play outside and be kids? This is not what I imagined raising a child would be fear. How can you make sure your child won't be the aggressive one that loses all hope and turns a gun on classmates? I feel for every child that has lost a life in these school shootings but, I also feel for the ones that have caused it as well, something was not right with them, something happened because we are not born that way, they were children too.

I planned on one day sending my children to middle school/high school, but I don't feel safe with that decision and I have decided I will continue home schooling until they graduate. I love my babies and I could not live with myself if I sent them to a place that I don't feel is safe.

My heart goes out to all at Virginia Tech where tragedy has hit this past week. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and I can only hope that you find peace and strength to be able to move on.

1 comment:

Scorpio Moon said...
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