Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Eric and I took the kids shopping so they could buy the things that they didn't receive for Christmas and I ended up giving into Taylor and she was able to get that iPOD and Jimmy bought a TV and DVD player and some accessories for his new Leapster and more Cars vehicles. The kids made out great for their Christmas and both are very happy with all that they received. I have not been able to hardly get Taylor out of her new roller blades since yesterday, I would say that is probably one of her favorite gifts. For those that do not know this yet, Taylor has graduated to my shoe size, a size 7 adult and she is only 9. She is very proud of this and cannot wait to surpass me in shoes. I have a hard time keeping her out of mine, if I can't find them I now know to look in Tay's bedroom and there I usually find them.
I posted some more pictures of the kids on Christmas and the last photo is a picture of Jimmy relaxing in his chair watching Ice Age: The Meltdown in his room. He kicked his feet up and Eric told me to grab the camera. I loves his new chair, what a great Nani these kids have, she gets them what makes them so happy.
Taylor and Jimmy are so excited for summer so they can go stay with Nani and Grandpa Ky-Ky. Taylor was asking me today how much longer it was going to be. The kids seem so excited to leave me behind (sniff, sniff) but I know they will have a great time. Eric and I are flying Steph out here in February and Mom mentioned she may come as well, so we will see. Eric will be in Philly for a week and I would rather have someone here with me and who better than my family.
I have really enjoyed Eric home this week and everything has been going great. He is going to hate going back next Wednesday after being off for so long, but we love him here with us. Jimmy and Daddy have been having a lot of fun playing with his new train set and Jimmy taught his daddy how to play his new video game. I am so glad that Jimmy has warmed up to Eric the way he has, I was worried there for awhile, but they have made great progress and I am glad Jimmy has someone to turn to other than me. Taylor and Eric have always had a very good relationship, so he has been very happy about getting some attention from Jimmy.

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