I am not usually so political on this site but I have had a few things that have just really been bothering me and what I am about to talk about is one of them. English as the American language. I think that if you can't speak English you either need to learn it or you're S.O.L. Do you really enjoy having to look at a book of directions to put something together only to spend ten minutes trying to find English? I don't think you should be able to come over to this country and get free aid, free loans, free medical care and so on, without knowing our language. I am sick of paying for foreigners, I don't care who you are, get a job and become an American citizen or leave, period. We are Americans and we need to save our language and our country.
The Picture above is my Grandpa Salvatore Maucelli who came to Ellis Island from Comporeale, Sicily and guess what, he had to learn English (at least enough to get by), he had to work and still did not get any special treatment just because he was from another country, he worked his ass off. He raised his 3 sons and his daughter by himself and even though he spoke broken English, he made damn sure all his children spoke great English. Why can't that be now? I refuse to let my children learn Spanish, I could care less how many people speak it in America today, I am an American and I will speak English, only English, if you can't understand me TOO BAD!
Why have so many American men and women lost their lives over the years fighting in all the different wars? For you and me, our freedom, our Constitution, FOR OUR COUNTRY and OUR LANGUAGE! I get very upset when I read that our congress is actually voting on bill whether to keep English as the United States of America's language. What the hell, if they change this we are not America anymore, we are a third world country and our freedom is over. Do what you can to fight this, do it for your children, write letters and do research on your computers what these men and women have voted for and against to determine how you vote in the upcoming elections or start learning every language in the world because before long that is what we will have to know so we can survive in America. Sucks doesn't it?
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