Monday, December 26, 2005

The Day After Christmas and All Through the House...

WAS TRASHED!!! Why do we insist on buying our children just toys for Christmas when they already have hundreds that they refuse to pick up? This is what I ask myself every year on Christmas.

Taylor and Jimmy had a great Christmas this year and received everything they asked for and then some. Santa was very good to the children and they really enjoyed their special holiday. Jimmy let Eric & me know that he wants Santa to come everyday.

Everyone received DVD's this Christmas and it seems we spent the day watching movies. I made a Christmas dinner with all the fixings and then Jimmy and Eric headed outside to play with their new toys. Eric got a BIG remote controlled International truck and Jimmy received a Power Wheels Jeep Wrangler. Taylor and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out her new Nintendo DS Scooby-Doo game (I am so video game stupid), but we did our best.

Being our first Christmas away from family was different but we had a good time spending it as a family. I guess spending the two months up in Kansas City was a good thing for the kids and me, we miss everyone so much and can't wait to see you in January and February...Alisha expect me to come see Izabel and the new house...okay I guess I'll see you and Greg too!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and we wish all a very Happy New Year.


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